About Us

Chairman's Speech

We feel very proud for our experts

Our history begins in 1866, Matt Bunali found This handy tool helps you create dummy text for all your layout needs. During this period cities grow and railways and steamships bring down commodity costs, spurring international trade in consumer goods. We are gradually adding new functionality and we welcome your suggestions and feedback. Please feel free to send us any additional dummy texts.

Matt Bunali

Founder Jeqsah

Our Core Value

As one of most successful firms, we have earned the trust of our peers in the legal profession who often refer their clients to us. We also form long-term relationships with our clients, who trust us to handle all of the legal issues they encounter in their lives. These relationships position us to approach cases with understanding of their context, leading to more effective strategies and desirable results.
Our Expertise

Practice Areas

As one of most successful firms, we have earned the trust of our peers in the legal profession who often refer their clients to us. We also form long-term relationships with our clients, who trust us to handle all of the legal issues they encounter in their lives. These relationships position us to approach cases with understanding of their context, leading to more effective strategies and desirable results.
Family Law
Asosiasi Pengusaha Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Bauksit Alumina Indonesia (AP3BAI) dibentuk pada tanggal 01 November 2019 dan berkedudukan di Jakarta Selatan
Mediation Services
Asosiasi Pengusaha Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Bauksit Alumina Indonesia (AP3BAI) dibentuk pada tanggal 01 November 2019 dan berkedudukan di Jakarta Selatan
Request a consultation

Serious cases need the very best lawyers

As one of most successful firms, we have earned the trust of our peers in the legal profession who often refer their clients to us. We also form long-term relationships with our clients, who trust us to handle all of the legal issues they encounter in their lives.
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Our Team

Meet The Attorneys

John Travoltage

John Travoltage

Jerzy Brzęczek

Jerzy Brzęczek

R&D Director
Robert Błaszczykowski

Robert Błaszczykowski

Marketing Director
Sandro Costacurta

Sandro Costacurta

Customer Care Director
Jerzy Brzęczek

Jerzy Brzęczek

R&D Director
Robert Błaszczykowski

Robert Błaszczykowski

Marketing Director

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